Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2012 18:45


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RokGallery is an advanced gallery extension, resting on a custom tag based architecture with a non-destructive slice editor to allow you edit photos easily and swiftly.

Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2012 18:45

Responsive Layout

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Praesent vestibulum malesuada semper. Donec sed blandit erat. Nulla hendrerit tristique ipsum, vitae condimentum mauris.

Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2012 18:44

Fusion and Split Menu

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Two menu systems are integrated, the Mootools enhanced CSS Dropdown Fusion Menu and Triple Level Split Menu, that support for multi-columns, custom widths, inline icons and much more.

Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2012 18:44

Customize the Logo

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There are two methods for changing the logo: either via the logo picker or by manual change and you can set Logo Picker to either RokGallery or the Media Manager.

Lunedì, 09 Luglio 2012 18:43

Content Typography

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Typography is a fundamental part of a template to characterize your site content, such as a plethora of list formats and notice styles.

Giovedì, 15 Novembre 2012 00:27

Prova Evento

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Taxidrivers presenta


Cineforum indipendente


Ore 20.30 Proiezione “6 GIORNI SULLA TERRA di Varo Venturi”- 101’ – 2011 (lungometraggio)



Protagonisti: Massimo Loggio, 

Pagina 125 di 125